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Everyone has times in their lives when they feel worried.   There are a lot of stressors in everyday life and it can be hard not to to feel anxious at times.  Some anxiety is useful, such as when it motivates you and helps you to achieve or complete something.  It is less useful when it starts to feel overwhelming and intereferes with things such as completing tasks, socializing, sleeping and eating. When anxiety starts to feel as though it is keeping you from taking care of yourself, having healthy connections with other people and getting things done, then you may have an anxiety disorder.

Some physical symptoms which may indicate an anxiety disorder include:

Pounding or racing heart

►Sweating or cold, clammy hands

►Feeling jumpy or restless

►Having a hard time catching your breath

►Feeling dizzy or lightheaded

►Having stomachaches or nausea

►Having trouble falling or staying asleep


Some emotional, behavioral or cognitive symptoms which may indicate an anxiety disoder include:

►Feeling restless, on edge or keyed up

►Feeling angry or irrtable

►Worrying a lot

►Feeling that something bad is gong to happen

►Having difficulty concentrating or feeling like your mind goes blank

►Finding it difficult to complete tasks

►Focusing on what isnt going well or what could go wrong

►Frequently avoiding certain places or things